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SAMPE Europe/JEC Composites 2009 preview

SAMPE Europe’s 30th annual spring conclave and the nearby JEC Composites Show characterize the latest in material and process technologies.


SAMPE Europe will celebrate the 30th year of its annual spring advanced-materials get-together with this International Jubilee Conference (SEICO 09), March 23-25 at the Hotel Mercure Conference Center in Paris, France. The three-day event will feature almost 100 papers presented in 33 sessions under the banner of the conference theme: “Composites – Innovative Materials for Smarter Solutions.” (See “SEICO 09 at a Glance” at right.)

The keynoter at this year’s SEICO will be Peter Wu, VP/chief scientist at Spirit AeroSystems (Wichita, Kan.), who will discuss how technology advancements are changing the aerospace industry. After that, attendees will find a number of sessions on topics of interest to HPC readers, including computer modeling, liquid molding, nanotechnology, automation, sandwich structures, recycling, testing, thermoplastics, green composites, nondestructive testing, process control and tooling.

Notable technical papers will cover surface modification of glass fibers using carbon nanotubes, flow-front monitoring in resin transfer molding, consolidation of commingled polypropylene/glass roving in the filament winding process, and fracture properties of polypropylene sandwich structures.

SEICO 09 attendees who either register for all three days or purchase a part-time registration that includes Monday, March 23, will be invited to attend the SEICO 09 Jubilee Conference Gala Dinner. The Gala takes place at the Hotel Mercure on Monday, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Additionally, all SEICO 09 attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the SEICO 09 Conference Proceedings, processed in English, on a CD.

JEC Composites Show 2009

Just a few blocks away, the 2009 JEC Composites Show convenes March 24-26 at the Paris Expo in Porte de Versailles. The timing of SEICO 09 and the JEC event is offset to allow SEICO attendees one full day to visit the JEC Exhibits without missing conference events. SEICO 09 attendees who arrive at the JEC Show entrance wearing a SEICO badge will have free access to the exhibition floor, and the Hotel Mercure will offer free shuttle service to and from the Paris Expo (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).

Despite the global economic slowdown, show organizers remain optimistic that composites professionals will again flock to what has become the industry’s largest annual event, predicting that 27,000 attendees (visitors plus exhibitors) from 96 countries will pass through the exhibit floor. Awaiting them will be 1,050 “exhibiting brand names” represented in displays spread out over 46,500m² (500,500 ft²) of exhibit space (for the names and stand locations of JEC Show exhibitors, see the JEC Composites 2009 Exhibitor List" (below) and accompanying map, at right).

This year’s event has a threefold theme, emphasizing three distinct industry trends toward “Automation, Subcontracting and Biocomposites.” In line with these emphases, the JEC Group will consider two of the three trends in new end-user Forums — Automation, Biocomposites and Wind Energy. The new Forums will expand the program’s current “markets” focus on Aeronautics, Automotive, Ground Transport, Marine and Building & Construction. Pavilions on the show floor also will be organized by end market as well as geographic location. End markets will include Automotive, Aerospace, Rail, and Construction. Country pavilions include Germany, France, China, India, Brazil, U.S., South Africa and more.

JEC also announced plans for a Composite Business Meetings program, intended to bring together composites professionals in research and academic disciplines with those in the industrial sector. “Our mission is to connect science, technology, industry and end market,” says JEC Group president/CEO Frédérique Mutel. The program will be introduced in Paris and then repeated at the JEC Asia trade fair in Singapore, in October. Attendees (both suppliers and end-users of composites) have been encouraged to preregister for the free program. Three weeks prior to the show, registrants will be able to select from an online list of specific meetings they would like to attend.

On the show floor, as usual, exhibitors will find the popular JEC Innovation Awards Showcase. The winners have been announced, and HPC readers can preview winning entries in this issue’s “News."

For more information about SEICO 09, contact the SAMPE Europe Business Office (SEBO), Feldenendstrasse 2, D-52449 Eschweiler (Aachen), Germany, Tel.: +49 2421 808 58 00; Fax: +49 24 03 34 759;; Web

For more information about the 2009 JEC Composites Show, contact JEC, Tel.: +33 1 58 36 15 18,; Web

JEC COMPOSITES 2009 Exhibitor List

The following is based on the best information available from JEC on Feb 15, 2008 “TBD” = to be determined. Advertisers featured in the February 2009 issue of CT are listed in boldface.



A&P Technology    J57
A2 Technologies    TBD
AB Universal     G11
Abahsain Fiberglass M.E., W.L.L.    T3
ABB France - Division Robotique    X20
ABMACO     D61
Accudyne Systems    F/G43
Acell SpA     N71
Acmos Chemie KG    M73
ACR Czech Sro     G11
Additek SaS    D70
Adex Composites Pvt. Ltd.    T74
ADM-Isobloc GmbH    D57
Advance Moulding Chemicals     G11
Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing    Q18
Advanced Composites Group    T50
Advanced International Multitech Co. Ltd.    Q50
Aero Consultants AG    Q18
Aeroform France    G74
Aeroform Ltd.    G74
Aeropia Ltd.    D74
Aerospace Manufacturing    Y55
Aerostrategy Ltd.     D61
Aerovac    T50
Aerovac Italy Srl    T50
Aerovac Systemes France    T50
Aerovac Systems Ltd.    T50
AFM Navattoni SA     Q37
AFPT BV     G12
AFROS SpA     G12
AGR Field Operations     V79
AGY Holdings Corp.   M25
Ahlstrom Glassfibre Oy    F57
AICO     D61
Air France     M15
Airborne Composites BV    P45
Airbus Deutschland GmbH     W46
Aircraft Lightweight Construction    D66
Airtech Asia Ltd.    N32
Airtech Europe SA    N32
Airtech International Inc.    N32
AKPA Organic Peroxides & Initiators    P55
AKSA Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS    TBD
Akson     G11
Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals    L31
Alcan Airex AG    R20
Alcan Baltek    R20
Alcore Brigantine    U26
Alkar Technology Sprl  L45
ALTEP Groupe Ingeliance     T20
Amber Composites     G11
AMOD     G11
Amorim Cork Composites    X72
AMP Composites C. Ltd.    D26
Amroy Europe Oy    K74
AMT     G11
Anaglyph Ltd.     V50
Anglo-American Vulcanized Fibre Ltd.     N72
AOC LLC    U58
AP&C     G11
Arkema    R38
Armacell Benelux SA    T57
Arnaud    G47
Art Tech  - Usidiam    N56
Asamer Basaltic Fibers GmbH    U18
ASC Process Systems    P39
Ashland Performance Materials    J64
Assembly Guidance Systems     W72
Assyst/Bullmer Spezialmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG    TBD
ASSystem aerospace Germany GmbH     M64
Aston    K74
Astromal     S6
Atemo Machines-Outils     P69
ATG - Atelier Textile Du Gier    Q65
ATMC Industrie     TBD
ATG Engineering GmbH     M64
Atom Beraud    V24
Atul Deutschland GmbH    K37
Auto Revista     C31/32
Autoclave & Industrial Controls (AIC)    U74
Automated Dynamics    G43
Automobil Industrie X31/32
Automotive Supply     X31/32
Autonational BV    L70
Avantgarde Technologie    T35
Aviation Week     X31/32
AVK     W46
Avlis     G11
Axel Plastics Research Laboratories Inc.    TBD
Axson Technologies    G11
Axxor BV     W39

B. Laufenberg GmbH    L73
B.C. Foam SpA    C39
Bally Ribbon Mills    F65
Balseurop Ecuato Española Sl    M74
Basaltex - Flocart NV    E14
BASF SE    H46
Basler Lacke AG    U32
Batex International Co.     G11
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar    T27
Bayer MaterialScience AG    P14
Bayern Innovativ GmbH    F31
BCI     M15
Becker France TBC
Beijing Cim Tech     L15
Beijing Friend Composites Co. Ltd.    TBD
Beijing Partnerworld International Exhibition Co. Ltd.    D24/26
Belin Yvon SA     X24
Belotti SpA    G6/12
Bodycote Testing Group    W73
Boeing     W46
Bolenz + Schäfer/BSD Filament Winding    V30
Bolong Three Dimentisonal Composite     D24
Bond-Laminates GmbH    P25
Bondtech Corp.    G43
Boytek Recine Boya ve Kimya San Tic    M51
Braca-Sport Ltd.    V40
Breton SpA    P69
BTU Cottbus, Chair Polymeric Materials    D66
Büfa Reaktionsharze GmbH & Co. KG    H31
Bulk Molding Compound Inc.    S12
Bureau Veritas - CEP Industrie     V75
Busch France     C19
BVT Surface Fleet - Composite Technology Center     D61
BYK-Chemie GmbH    G19

C.A. Litzler Co. Inc.   G43/M15
C.C.C.     T20
C.F. Maier    T46
C.M.S. SpA    M57
CAD Magazine     X31/32
CADFEM GmbH     P72
Cadnum    X19
Camelsan AS    D7
Cannon    G12
Carbon Tech Composites GmbH     TBD
Carbon Composites EV    T46
Carbone Forge SaS    N19
Cel Components Srl    E66
Celanese Emulsion Polymers   Q43
CELC Masters of Linen    M80
CEMCAT     T65
Century Design    TBD
CERO    Y19
Cetex Institut    S32
Cetim    Q37
Cetim Cermat    Q37
CFF     U74
CFK-Valley Stade EV    M64
CG-Tec GmbH  T46
CGTech    Q52
Changzhou Changhai GFRP Products Co. Ltd.    D19
Changzhou Lianke FRP Co. Ltd.    D42
Changzhou Pro-Tech Industry Co. Ltd.    D20
CharlyRobot     L15
Chengrudan Reinforcement Fabrics Co.    P43
China Composites Group Corporation Ltd.    TBD
China Higoal Composites Manufactory    V11
China National Building Materials Co.    T23
Chomarat Composites    R29
Christian Karl Siebenwurst GmbH & Co. KG    F31
Cimag International    TBD
Cincinnati Machine LLC     S65
CIPEC Specialties     K25
Clariant Internaitonal AG     S38
Click Bond Inc.    N73
Cluster New Materials    F31
CMG    P79
CNBM International Corporation    T55
CNC Technics Pvt. Ltd.    T74
CNIM     P57
Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH    U70
Coexpair    W45
Cogemoule    Q63
Colbond BV    L52
Collano Adhesives AG    S11
Comi Srl    W65
Compin Technologies Composites    W38
Componeering Inc.    P72
Composite Integration Ltd.    G74
Composite Materials Ltd.    Q20
Composite Park     TBD
Compositec    W64
Composites Atlantic Ltd.     TBD
Composites Busch     C19
Composites Distribution     K43
Composites Machines Systemes    K55
Composites Training Consultancy Ltd.     C25
Composites Technology    W20
Composites UK Ltd.    C25
CompositesWorld     W20
Compotec     L15
Connell Bros. Co.     G11
Conseil General de la Charente Maritime TBD
Conseil Regional d'Aquitaine     T20
Consist BVBA     G11
Construire en Chanvre     D61
Controles Essais Mesures     X31/32
Coral SpA    V63
Corex Honeycomb    E30
Corima Technologies     Q63
Coriolis Composites    M65
CPIC/Fiberglass    M52
Cray Valley    H44
CREI - Centro Ricerchie Editoriali Internationalis     A46
CREPIM     D61
Cresilas     S76
Critt Materiaux     TBD
Croma    W30
CRST SaS    N40
CTC GmbH    M64
CW Resins     G11
Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd.    G31

DK Holdings Ltd.    M79
Daher Aerospace     D61
Dalian Guorui Carbon Material Co. Ltd.    D31
Dark Matter Composites     C25
Dassault Systemes    P58
Daxen     V23
Decoup+    S79
Dedienne Multiplasturgy    M24
Delcam Plc    E37
Delta-Tech Srl    X18
Deltech Europe Ltd.    K66
Despatch Industries    M39
Devold AMT AS    R32
Dexmet Corporation   F43
DIAB International AB    L51
Diamix    H1
Diamoutils SaS    N56
Diatex    G74
Dieffenbacher GmbH + Co. KG    G26
Dipex, Spol. Sro    C20
Division Composites     TBD
DJP Espace Composites    U38
DLR German Aerospace Center    M63
DMR Rubans SaS     R11
Dopag  Sarl  E57
Dosage 2000    D10
Dotara Jerusalem Ltd.     G11
Dow Europe    P19
DR Gupta Verlag     X31/32
DS Technical Nonwoven    N80
DSM Composite Resins AG    G40
Dürr Systems GmbH  T46
Duna-Corradini SpA    D39
Dunstone Company Inc.    R56
Dupont International Operations Sarl    S63
Duqueine     P46
Duqueine Atlantique    P46
Duqueine Roumanie    P46
Dynabrade Europe Sarl    L57
Dynamic     C25

EADS  Composites Aquitaine  T20
EADS - Astrium Space Transportation    T30
Eastman Chemical    K66
Eastman Machine Co.    T12
Ebalta Kunststoff GmbH    H58
ECC, C. Cramer & Co.    N58
Eco-Dec SA    L45
Econcore NV    P20
Editions Mirabelles     Q75
Editions TI     X31/32
Editions VB     X31/32
Editora do Administrador Ltda.     F69
EDP Sciences     R75
EHA Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH    V30
EIGSI la Rochelle     TBD
Eisenmann Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG    P76
El-Bo Produktion A/S    P71
Eleco Produits - EFD    V29
Eligio Re Fraschini SpA    N52
Elkom Heizplattentechnik GmbH    S57
Elmetherm - Partenaire Wisconsin Oven    P78
Elytra NV    T44
EMS-Griltech     N50
Enginsoft SpA     P72
Enkev Group BV    N82
Epotech Composite Corporation    Q50
Epuron KFT     G11
ES Mfg. Inc.    G43
ESC GmbH & Co. KG     S26
ESI Group    P70
EU - Co-operation Unit Bayern Innovativ    F31
Eulithe Srl    F25
EURAILMAG     X31/32
Euro Composites     TBD
Eurocarbon BV    Q58
Euro-Composites SA     P32
Eurocomposits - ETAI     N75
Eurocutting     TBD
Eurolite     S4
Europa    V69
European Boatbuilder     B46/D61
Euroresins Group     M32
Evonik Aerosil & Silanes    K66
Evonik Services GmbH    G66
Expancel     U74
Expert International GmbH     F17
E-Xstream Engineering     L45

Farelca Products ltd.    TBD
Faserinstitut Bremen EV (Fibre)     D61
FATOL     G11
Faurecia     D61
Federation de la Plasturgie     TBD
Federation des Industries Nautiques (FIN)     D61
Feicheng Sanying Fiberglass Co. Ltd.     J32
FHNW - Institut of Polymer Engineering    E35
Fiberforge   F/G43
Fibergran GmbH & Co. KG    T40
Fiber-Line International BV    D17
Fibertex A/S    M55
Fibres Recherche Developpment     M80
Fibres Unlimited BV     TBD
FIDIA Srl (Technical Global Services)     D61
Finish Kare Products Inc.      H6
5M    U37
Flieger Revue     X31/32
Flow Europe GmbH    T17
Flow International Corporation    T17
Flugzeug-Union Sud GmbH    N46
Force Technology    S64
Forest Liné    P63
Formax UK Ltd.    G2
FOVS Srl    W26
France Etuves    V73
Fraunhofer Development Center for X-Ray Technology (EZRT)    T18
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT)    T18
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM)    T18
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT)    T18
Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF)    T18
Fraunhofer Society, Pyco    D66
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft    T18
Fred Olsen Ltd.     W46
Freyssinet Carbon Composite Cables Anchorages System     D61
FRP Accessories    T74
FRP Institute    T74
FRP Service Companies     K65

GAK Gummi Fasern Kunstoffe     X31/32
Gardner Publications    W20
Gavazzi Tessuti Tecnici SpA    D37
Gazechim Composites    K43
Gebruder Dorfer GmbH & Co KG      D57
Geiss AG (PMA SA)     T34
General Electric, Global Research     D61
Gent University     W46
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG    M66
Gepo France Sarl    R8
Gerber  Technology Sarl  M46
GFM GmbH    N30
GKN Aerospace    T46
Glasstex Group Corp.    D24
Gleitmo Technik AB     G11
GPIC - Groupement de la Plasturgie Industrielle et des Composties     TBD
Graco NV    D38
Grafil Inc.    Q25
Grafitoniks     U43
Graftech International Holdings Inc.    P52
Granta Design Ltd.    T75
Graphit Kropfmühl AG    W25
Greenvision Ambiente SpA     TBD
Grignard Company LLC    R43
Groupe ATC    Q75
Groupe Dehondt - Linum     M80
GRPMS    T50
Gruber Systems Inc.    V65
GS Manufacturing    V8
GSI SpA    G45
GTW Development Group Ltd.     C25
Gummiwerk Kraiburg GmbH & Co. KG    TBD
Gurit     K44
Gustav Gerster GmbH & Co. KG    V52
GWV Media     D51

Hainan Fuwang Industrial Co. Ltd.    D26
Hanyang University     D61
Harper International     G23
Harvest     X31/32
Heatcon Composite and Repair Systems    Q18
Held Technologie GmbH     U31
Helm AG    J19/25
Henkel Aerospace    R45
Hennecke GmbH    T8
Hexagon Composites     R32
Hexcel    G57
Hexion Specialty Chemicals BV    v32
High Modulus     D61
High-Performance Composites    W20
Hightex Verstarrkungsstrukturen GmbH     T33
Hilger U. Kern GmbH    E57
Hitco Carbon Composites     L15
Hochschule Magdeburg - Stendal    T27
Holland Shipbuilding     X31/32
Hollingsworth & Vose Advanced Fiber Nonwovens    P50
Hongfa Zoncheng advanced Material Tech     D24
Hongming Composites Co. Ltd.    TBD
Hos-Technik GmbH    G24
Huachang Polymer Co.    S52
Hufschmied Zerspanungssysteme GmbH    S7
Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland) GmbH    G65
Hutchinson Pièces de Carrosserie    D44

Icotec AG    M38
ICR SpA    B40
Ifremer    W46
IIR     L15
IMA GmbH Dresden    T31
Inasco Helias Co.     D61
Inchem Corporation    N50
Industrie Anzeiger     X31/32
Industrie et Technologie     X31/32
Industrie Textile     Q75
Ingenieurs de l'Automobile     X31/32
Ingersoll Machine Tools Inc.    F51
Innegrity Europe     J65
Innomat GmbH    D66
Innovalis Aquitaine    U26
Innovalis Aquitaine     T20
Institut fuer Flugzeugbau     T46
Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW)    D32
Institute of Textile and Clothing Tech     T46
Instron    TBD
Intelligendt Systems & ServicesGmbH     TBD
InterEurope Fittings SL    R10
Intermas Nets SA     X56
Invent GmbH   M64
IPS Corporation    V8
IQ Tec Germany GmbH    V18
Isojet Equipements   E70
Isomatex SA    TBD
Italmatic Presse Stampi Srl    T7
ITASA     N78
ITECH Enterprises     W64
ITT Corporation - EW/IS   S55
ITW Plexus    C37
Izumi International Inc.    D43

JD Lincoln    T50
Jacret SA   Q44
Jallais     T65
Japan U-PICA C. Ltd.     K65
JB Martin    L71
Jenny     G11
Jetcam International Sarl   Q74
Jiangsu Jiuding New Material Co. Ltd.    N39
Jiangsu Xianjing Netting Co. Ltd.    D26
Jiaxing Sunny FRP Industries Co. Ltd.    U24
Jobs SpA    G1
John Burn and Co.     C25
Johns Manville Corporation    G46
Johns Manville Slovakia AS    G46
Jost Chemicals GmbH    Q10
Journal de la Production     X31/32
Journal de l'Automobile     X31/32
JSC Polotsk Steklovolokno     C32
Jushi Group Co. Ltd.    J19/25

Kamala-Diamoutils Pvt.    N56
Kamenny Vek    V37
Kamitsu Seisakusho Ltd.    D43
Kanto Yakin Kogyo Co. Ltd.    D43
Karl Mayer Malimo     TBD
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven     J8/M80
Kayserberg Plastics     U7
KCC     K65
Kemira Pigments     U74
Kesteco SA    T63
Keyser et Mackay (France) et Cie    K66
Khimvolokno    TBD
Koller SaS    L80
Kolon Industries Inc.    F11
Krauss-Maffei Technologies GmbH    U39
Krempel Group - August Krempel Soehne GmbH & Co KG    N72
Kromy Logistik AG    M64
KSL Advanced Composites    P49
KSL Keilmann Sondermaschinenbau GmbH     P49
KUKA Automatisme et Robotique    D18
KUKA Rotoer GmbH     T46
KUKA Systems GmbH     J14

La Vie du Rail     X31/32
Lach Diamant Jakob Lach GmbH     M64
LAMECO     W46
Langzauner Gesellschaft GmbH    S57
Lantor BV    M45
Lanxess Deutschland GmbH    G23
Lap GmbH Laser Applications  P65
Laser Projection Technologies Inc.    TBD
LCPC (Laboratoire Central des Pointes et Chaussees)     D61
Le Creneau Industriel    R55
Le Monde Maritime     X31/32
Lectra    T19
Leda Industrie Srl    M44
Leibniz-Institut fur Polymerforschung Dresden EV    S34
Libeco Lagae     M80
Lieges HPK SaS     T20
Light Weight Structures    D61
Limoges Usinage Mecanique    T4
Lincoln Composites Inc.     R32
Lindau Chemicals    K25
LINEO     M80
Lingol Corp    F/G43
Linere de Bosc Nouvel     M80
Lintex International Co. Ltd.     M15
LIF - Hutchinson    D44
LNE (Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d'Essais)     D61
Loire Modelage     T65
Loisirs Nautiques     X31/32
Loja do Ceramistas     G11
Lorenz Kunststofftechnik GmbH    K45
Lotus Engineering     D61
Lubrizol Ltd.    F31
Lucintel    R79
L'Usine Nouvelle     X31/32
Lutz GmbH & Co. KG    H23

M Composites     K25
M. Torre Disenos Industriales SA     N65
MAG Europe GmbH    S65
Magestic Systems    P58
Magnabosco Srl    L65
Magnolia Composites     M15
Magnum Venus Plastech    V58
Mahr Metering Systems GmbH    Q78
Maintenance et Enterprise     X31/32
Maka Max Mayer Maschinenbau GmbH    L74
Mandera     TBD
Marbo Italia SpA     Q20
Marbocote Ltd.    Q20
Maroso Srl    R76
Martin Marietta Composites     D61
Maschinenfabrik Herbert Meyer GmbH    TBD
Maschinenfabrik Max Kroenert GmbH & Co. KG     TBD
Masters     TBD
Materiautech Composites     W64
Mates Italiana Srl    C43
Matrasur Composites    W65
Mayer & Mayer Handels GmbH    V8
M.C. Gill Corporation    U26
McClean Anderson    V13
Mecanumeric     L15
Mechemco Industries    T74
Mechemco Resins Pvt. Ltd.    T74
Meguiar’s Holland BV   V26
Menzolit Compounds International GmbH    G30
Menzolit Compounds Shanghai Ltd.    G30
Menzolit Ltd.    G30
Menzolit SaS    G30
Menzolit Srl    G30
Menzolit Vitroplast SL    G30
Metachem    K66
Metalscan SaS    S56
Metawell GmbH    F31
Metyx Composites   W58
MF Tech    D18
MIB Hydro    H6
Michel Pioch    U66
Mid American Supply Corp.    V25
Mikrosam    M75
Milled Carbon Ltd.     D61
Milliken Europe NV    J73
Mil's     G74
Minelco Specialities    K66
Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd.    Q25
Mitsubishi Plastics     R44
Mobility     X31/32
Mondi    H74
Moselle Developpement     S75
Mozart AG    M77
MSC Software     W46
MT Aerospace AG   T46
Mulder-Hardenberg GmbH    M71
Multiplast    J74
Multiple Winding Ltd.    G5
Muzzi Srl    C24

Nabaltec AG     T37
Nanjing EFG Co. Ltd.    D26
Nanjing Loyalty Composite Equipment Manufacture Co.    TBD
Nanocyl SA    TBD
Nanoledge Inc.     H64
Nantong Aulland Composites Co. Ltd.    D26
Nantong Composite Material Co. Ltd.    E12
Nantong Mincom Composite Materials Co.    T9
Nantong Power Plastic & Rubber Co. Ltd    L72
Nantong Strongworld FRP Products Ltd.    L56
Nantong Sui Generis Composite Co. Ltd.     D24
National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR)    R57
National Center for the Manufacturing Sciences     W46
National Composite Center (U.S.)  D61
National Composites Center     J70
National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)     D61
NEDCAM     D61
Nederman    TBD
Netcomposites    F71
Neuhauser Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH    Q71
Newcoat     G11
Newport Adhesives & Composites    Q25
Nida Core Corp.    W56
Nidaplast    Q66
Nief Plastic    N64
Nippon Graphite Fiber Corp.    P29
Nitto Boseki Co. Ltd.     K65
Nord Composites    K55
Nord Composites UK    K55
Northwest Composites Centre    C25
Nova Institut     D61
Novation SpA     W24
NUS - National University of Singapore     D61

OCV Reinforcements    TBD
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum    TBD
Olmar    P64
Olympus France    V14
OMS    W65
Optiplan GmbH     W43
ORMA    W65
Oxeon AB    V17

Panadur GmbH    W43
Parabeam BV    G29
Park Electrochemical Corp.    R52
PCK Technology Inc.    W71
P-D Glasseiden GmbH Oschatz    F19
P-D Interglas Technologies AG     F19
Peak Technology GmbH   T46
Pergan GmbH    R14
Permali Wallace Pvt. Ltd.    T74
PGI Nordlys    D72
Picasso Racing Components SaS    M76
Piercan SA    P73
Piercan USA     P73
Pinette Emidecau Industries    N40
Pirus Composites     TBD
Pitture e Vernicci     A46
Plascore GmbH & Co. KG    N44
Plasticolors     U74
Plasticon Europe     T65
Plastipolis     W64
Plastiques et Caoutchoucs     N75
Plastverarbeiter     X31/32
PMA SA (Agent Exclusif Geiss AG)    T34
Pole d'Excellence Plasturgie Nord - Pas de Calais    TBD
Pole EMC2     T65
Pole Polymere Sud     T20
Poliya    V20
Poly 3 Srl    R30
Polycontact Industrie     T20
Polykum     W43
Polymed     E40
Polymer Engineering     F31
Polymer Latex    K66
Polymeres Technologies     G11
Polynt Compounds GmbH & Co.    G45
Polynt Group    G45
Polynt Sp. Zo. O    G45
Polyprocess     U26
Polystrand Inc.    E18
Polysystems SpA    W17
Polytech Savoie     W64
Polyvlies, Franz Beyer GmbH & Co. KG    T40
Pomtava SA     S8
Porcher Industries    G20
Potters Europe    X40 
PPG Aerospace    J7
PPG Industries Fiber Glass Europe    G18
PRAS    D61
Premium Aerotec GmbH    T46/M64
Presma    W65
Press Industries DGM    X31/32
Pultrex Ltd.    TBD
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Horoschenkoff    F31
Profile Composites Inc.    W46
Profile Controles Industriels    V79
PSC Inc.    G43
PT Bhinneka Bajanas    G11
PU Magazine International    X31/32
Pyromeral Systems    V31

Qinghuangdao Longtech Machinery Co. Ltd    Q73
Quantum Composites Inc.    S13
Quatro Composites    H6
Quickstep Technologies    J70

Radius Engineering    W45
Ragasco AS    R32
Raufoss Fuel Systems AS    R32
RDR Aerospace Ltd.    V74
Recycled Carbon Fibre Ltd.    S80
Regina Fiberglass Pty.    K65
Region des Pays de la Loire    T65
Reichhold Inc.    A35/G17
Reinforced Plastics    R81
Reliant Machinery Ltd.    R12
Relius Coatings GmbH & Co. KG   H46
Resoltech Sarl    TBD
Respecta Maschinenbau GmbH    H66
Rexco Mold care Products    TBD
Richmond Aircraft Products    T50
RITM    D13
Roblon A/S    S9
Robuso Stahlwarenfabrik Buntenbach & Sohn GmbH    P66
Röchling Engineering Plastics  T38
RocTool    M26
Rohrig Granit GmbH (German Pavilion)    T32
Rossi Stamp Srl    W46
Rossow Industries    U74
Rotec Composite Group    TBD
Rubber Fibres Plastics    X31/32
Ruhstrat GmbH    T25

S.C. Contras Srl    G11
Saertex GmbH & Co KG    M19
Safas Corporation    K55
Saint Gobain Quartz SaS    S40
Saint Gobain Quartz USA    S40
Saint Marie Constructions Isothermes    T20
Saitec    E9
Samson D.O.O.    G11
Samtech France    Q49
SAT    P51
Satair Hardware SaS    TBD
Saudi Industrial Resins Ltd.    J64
SCEI    P32
Schappe Techniques    M20
Schill + Seilacher    K66
Scholz Machinenbau GmbH & Co. KG    P32
SCL (Societa Chimica Larderello SpA)    K66
Scott & Fyfe Ltd.    L15/W44
Scott Bader    D45
Seal SpA    L63
Secar Technologie GmbH    T46
Seaway Group D.O.O.    C45
Selcom Multiaxial Technology    F29
Sem Régionale des Pays de la Loire    T65
SGL Technologies GmbH    K19/L25
Shandong Shuangyi Group Co. Ltd.    D24
Shanghai Saige Composite Materials Co. Ltd.    U30
Shanghai Yuan Long FRP Co. Ltd.    H6
Shoreteam    TBD
Sia Rishon Inter    TBD
Sichuan Weibo Co. Ltd.    K31
Sicomin SaS    TBD
Sigmatex UK Ltd.    V44
Signtronic SA    U43
Sika Deutschland GmbH    M31
Sika France    D61
Siltex Flecht – U. Isoliertechnologie Holzmuller     F31
Simulayt    P58
Sinoma Science-Technology Co. Ltd.    C18
Sirca SpA    W17
Sisecam Chemicals - Cam Elyaf Sanayii AS    J31
Skandinaviska Glass System AB    W74
SL Laser France Sarl    L66
SLCR Lasertechnik GmbH    T46
SMAC    S29
SMTC    T65
Snecma Propulsion Solide    U26/M15
Soficar SA/Toray Industries Inc.    J13
Sofitec    TBD
Sogi Communication    X31/32
Somocap    T20
Songhe Composite Materials Development    D26
Sora Composites    T65
Sotecofoam    J50
Sovitec France SaS    U64
SL Gurit    D61
Specialty Minerals    K66
Specialty Products Co.    G43
Spolchemie    K58
Standford University J8
Staubli    T81
Steinhuder Werkzeug und Apparatebau    W46
STOPP    G43
Stratiforme    D61
Structil (Groupe SNPE)    L19/M15
Structiso    W56
Sulzer Mixpac AG    V8
Sumitomo Corporation Europe Ltd.    R44
Sunliky Indutry Ltd.    TBD
Superior Fibers LLC    E10
Suprem SA    M38
Suteau-Anver    D11
Swancor Ind Co. Ltd.    H70
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research    D61
SWJ Consult GmbH    M64
Synasia Inc    L69
Synervia    T65
Synthesia    K66
Syrgis Performance Initiators AB    J26

Taishan Fiberglass Inc.    G44
Taiwan Electric Insulator Co. Ltd.    M37
Taaiwan Glass Ind. Corp.    K65
Taizhou Huangyan Shuangsheng Plastic Machinery    R13
Tajima GmbH    V38
TCR Composites    H8
Technical Fibre Products Ltd.    J52
Techni-Modul Engineering    P56
Technique Composite Industrie    J67
Technishe Universität Chemnitz    T27
Technishe Universität Dresden    T27
Technishe Universität Freiberg    T27
Technobell Ltd.    S5
Technocampus EMC2    T65
Technogel Srl    W17
Techtera    W64
Tecnedit Srl    D49
Tecnos SpA    G12
Teijin Aramid BV    H57
Telene SaS    D46
Ten Cate Advanced Composites USA    R46
Ten Cate Aerospace Composites    R46
Ten Cate Phoenixx TPC Inc.    R46
Ten Cate YLA    R46
Terruzzi Fercalx SpA    T51
Tetra-Dur Kunststoff-Produktion GmbH    F17
Tetrafix AB    M64
Teufelberger Ges. MBH    X44
Texclubtec    TBD
Teximpianti SpA    H12
Texkimp Ltd.    TBD
The McGraw Hill Company    X31/32
The Plastics Export Promotion Council    T74
Thermosets 2009    D66
Thermwood Corporation    F/G43
Ticona    L15/Q43
TIFAC (Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council), India    D61
Tiodize Co. Inc.    F/G43
Tissa Glaswerberei AG    R77
Tisstech    J67
TITK    J8
Toho Tenax Europe GmbH    G58
Tongxiang Donghua Fiberglass Co. Ltd.    D15
Tongxiang Pasia Trading Co. Ltd.    D15
Top Glass SpA    TBD
Toray Industries Inc.    J13
TR Composites    U32
Tradex Colori    G47
Trelleborg AEM    Y57
Trimarine    D61
TUT – l’Industrie Textile    Q75
2 Komponenten Maschinenbau GmbH    J38
Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd.    N32

U.S. Embassy Paris Commercial Service    F43
UBE Industries    Q56
Umeco Composites    T50
Uni Trading Corporation    G1
Unicomposite Technology Co.  Ltd.    Q14
Uniject    TBD
Unique Textiles Sro    U37
United Initiators GmbH & Co. KG    F31
Universite Bretagne Sud    TM80
Utah Composites Industry    G43

VAC Innovation Ltd.    C25
Vacmobiles Europe by Filter Technics    TBD
VDS Vente Directe Service    S57
Vem SpA    Q69
Vetigraph    U20
Victrex Europa GmbH    J11
Vieweg Verlag | GWV Fachverlage GmbH    D51
Ville et Transport    X31/32
Virtek Vision International Inc.    M46
VISTAGY Inc.    T45
Vitratex Beyer GmbH & Co. KG    T40
VN Composites     S29
Vötsch Industrietechnik GmbH    Q51
Von Roll Deutschland GmbH    Q51
Von Roll Isola France    TBD

Wabash MPI     F/G43
Wausau Paper Specialty Products LLC     F43
Web Industries Inc.    T61
Weber Manufacturing Technologies Inc.    R74
Wessex Resins & Adhesives Ltd.    C38
Westcam Fertigungstechnik    TBD
Wihag Composites GmbH & Co. KG    D23
Willumsen    G1
Wisconsin Oven Corporations    P78
Wolfangel GmbH    M40

xperion Aerospace GmbH    T46

YTM    G11

01db-Metravib    K51
Zhenshi Group Hengshi Fiberglass Fabrics    J25
Zhenshi Group uamei New Composite    J25
Z-Laser Optoelektronik GmbH    M78
Zoltek Co.    U44
Zotefoams Plc    S3
Zund Plotting Systems (UK) Ltd.    U43
Zyvax Inc.    M43

Park Aerospace Corp.
Wickert Hydraulic Presses
PRO-SET Laminating Epoxies
Compsoite and Metallic tooling, parts, assemblies
Collier Aerospace's HyperX Users Conference 2025
Composites One - distributor
High-Density Urethane (HDU) boards
HEATCON Composite Systems

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