
Third keynote is announced for annual SPE ACCE event

Gregory E. Peterson, chief engineer at aviation technology startup Airspace Experience Technologies, will be sharing his views on the trends and opportunities found in the transportation industry.


Gregory E. Peterson head shot.

Gregory E. Peterson. Photo Credit: SPE ACCE

The executive planning committee for the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Automotive Composites Conference & Expo (ACCE) is announcing the third keynote speaker for automotive event taking place Sept. 6-8, 2023 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Michigan. 

Gregory E. Peterson, chief engineer at Airspace Experience Technologies (ASX, Detroit, Mich., U.S.) will present “An Overview of Transportation Trends and Related Opportunities.” The presentation will begin with an historic perspective of the transportation industry and its impact on the supply chain network. It will include examples of timelines for new technologies to emerge and replace mature products. Using this data, parallels to today’s evolving markets will be presented. Peterson will review three paradigm shifts in technology that are impacting today’s transportation markets including: (1) The transition to substantially more efficient vehicles; (2) the shift from human vehicle control to electronic vehicle control; and (3) the shift from 2D to 3D transportation. 

The presentation will cover opportunities for plastic/composite suppliers in emerging market sectors, including the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) market, as well as providing simple, holistic math models showing that high-performance plastics and composites that cost more than base materials can potentially reduce new vehicle costs. 

“The use of polymer composites technologies will increase as ground and air mobility transportation progresses into the future,” Peterson explains.  “Composites have historically offered greater design flexibility, structural strength and lower mass in comparison to other materials but at a higher cost, which typically limits applications to shorter run production and high end vehicles. Increasing efficiency in electric mobility applications by reducing vehicle weight allows increased range without increasing battery energy. Since the battery is one of the heaviest and highest cost elements (on a dollar/pound basis) on an EV [electric vehicle], using composites is a means to cost effectively increase EV range. This total vehicle, holistic approach can result in expanding opportunities for suppliers.”

Other keynotes planned for the ACCE 2023 event include: “A Role for Composites In GM’s Vision for Simulation-Driven & Sustainable Material Impact” by Jason Coryell, P.E., FASM – engineering group manager of Advanced Materials Technology at General Motors Co. (Detroit, Mich., U.S.), and “What Does Disruptive Electrification of Transport Mean For Industrialization of Composites?” by Joe Summers, the commercial director of Airborne (The Hague, Netherlands), and managing director Airborne UK.

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